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 STUDENT B's QUESTIONS (Do not show these to Student A.)

(1) How did you learn the alphabet?

(2) What do you think of other alphabets (Russian, Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, Sanskrit, etc.)?

(3) Who invented the English alphabet?

(4) Why do you think each letter has so many different pronunciations and uses?

(5) How do you think the alphabet could be made easier to use and understand?

STUDENT A's QUESTIONS (Do not show these to Student B.)

(1) Are there twenty-six letters in the alphabet of your language?

(2) Does your language have an alphabet?

(3) What are the differences between the English alphabet and your language’s writing system?

(4) What is the most frequently used letter of the alphabet?

(5) Which letters of the alphabet do you not like or have problems with?


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