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STUDENT A's QUESTIONS (Do not show these to Student B.)

(1) Do you like korean music?

(2) What do you think about the fact that North and South Korean families cannot write to, telephone or see each other?

(3) Would you like to visit North and South Korea, or live there?

(4) Who are the most famous North and South Korean people you know?

(5) What are North and South Korea famous for?

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 STUDENT B's QUESTIONS (Do not show these to Student A.)

(1) How different are North and South Korea?

(2) What do you know about the Korean War?

(3) Why isn’t North Korea as rich and as advanced as South Korea?

(4) What would you like to ask a North and South Korean person about North and South Korea?

(5) What is your idea of a typical Korean person?

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