STUDENT B's QUESTIONS (Do not show these to Student A.)
STUDENT B's QUESTIONS (Do not show these to Student A.)
STUDENT B's QUESTIONS (Do not show these to Student A.)


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Pode começar?
Can we start?
Eu me apaixonei por você, na primeira vez que trocamos mensagem.
I fell in love with you, the first time we exchanged messages.
Só depois de muito tempo que eu descobri,
But only after a long time, I found out
que quem respondia as mensagens não era você.
the one who answered the messages wasn’t you
Era um cara.
It was a guy.
Eu nunca vou me esquecer da generosidade de Deus.
I will never forget of God’s generosity.
A Bíblia diz em Mateus capítulo 6, versículo 33:
In Mathew chapter 6 verse 33, the Bible tells us
Pra buscarmos primeiramente as coisas de Deus.
To seek first the things of God.
E as outras coisas, vos serão acrescentadas.
And all things will be given unto you as well
E eu pedi a ele uma mulher companheira, carinhosa, paciente,
I asked him a woman that would be a life mate, affectionate, patient
E se não fosse pedir muito, um pouquinho mais bonita do que eu.
And if it wasn’t too much to ask, a little bit prettier than me.
Pras crianças puxar para ela, e ser feliz na escola.
So the kids would look like her, and be happy at school
Eu pedi uma companheira, e ele me deu não só uma companheira
I asked for a life mate, and he gave me not only a live mate
Ele me deu a melhor das companheiras
And he gave the best of life mates
Ele me deu uma pessoa que, não só me dá carinho,
He not only gave me a person that gives me affection
Mas tabém adora carinho
But also adores affection
Eu pedi uma pessoa paciente,
I asked for a patient person,
E ele me deu uma pessoa totalmente o contrário
And he gave me a person nothing like that.
Ele me deu uma pessoa tão impaciente
He gave a person so impatient
Que nós dois aprendemos juntos o que é ter paciência
That we learned together what is to have patience
Eu pedi uma mulher bonita
I asked for a gorgeous woman
E ele me deu uma mulher tão bonita
And he gave me one so gorgeous
Que foi por isso que eu escolhi casar em São Miguel dos Milagres
And that was why I chose to get marred in São Miguel dos Milagres
Porque só um milagre, pra uma mulher dessa casar comigo
Because only a miracle, for a woman like this to marry me
Deus foi tão generoso comigo, que fez questão de me dar você desse jeito
God was so generous with me, that he insisted in giving me you this way
Foi por isso que eu quis casar perto do mar,
And that was why I wanted to marry near the ocean
Para mostrar pra todo mundo, que a cor a do mar
To show the world, that the color of the ocean
Nem se compara a cor dos seus olhos
Doesn’t compare to the color of your eyes.
A brisa do mar, nunca vai ser tão macia quanto o seu toque
The ocean’s breeze, will never be so soft as your touch
E a felicidade de todo mundo que tá aqui nunca vai se comparar
And the happiness of all that are here will never compare
Com a felicidade que você me trás
With the happiness you bring me
Você me faz o homem mais feliz do mundo
You make me the happiest man in the world
Eu sou tão feliz que, as vezes eu penso que você é o Gugu disfarçado
I’m so happy that sometimes I think that you are Gugu in disguise
Você vai tirar a mascara e falar que isso é um telegrama legal
You will take your mask off and say that this is a telegrama legal
Hoje é o dia que a gaúcha se junta com o nordestino
Today is the day that the gaúcha unites herself to the nordestino
E o churrasco se casa com o baião de dois
And the churrasco marries the baião de dois
E o tchê se mistura com o Oxente
The tchê mixes itself with the oxente
Eu prometo te amar, te respeitar, te entender, te proteger
I promise to love you, to respect you, to understand you and to protect you
Baixar a tampa do vaso
To put down the toilet’s lid
Até a gente ficar bem velhinho
Until we are very old
Eu comendo meu cuscuz, e você tomando seu chimarrão
Me eating my cuscuz, and you drinking your chimarrão
Até o fim de nossas vidas
Until the end of our lives
Muito obrigado por me ensinar o que é o amor
Thank you so much for teaching me what love is
Te amo
I love you!
Shall we start?
I fell in love with you, the first time we exchanged messages.
But only after a long time, I found out
the one who answered the messages wasn’t you It was a guy.
I will never forget of God’s generosity.
In Mathew chapter 6 verse 33, the Bible tells us
To seek first the things of God.
And all other things will be given unto you as well
I asked him a woman that would be a life mate, affectionate, patient
And if it wasn’t too much to ask, a bit prettier than me.
So, the kids would look like her, and be happy at school
I asked for a life mate, and he gave me not only a life mate
He gave the best of life mates
He not only gave me a person that gives me affection
But also adores affection
I Whinasked for a patient person,
And he gave me a person nothing like that.
He gave a person so impatient
That we learned together what is to have patience
I asked for a beautiful woman.
He gave me one so beautiful
And that is the reason why I chose to get marred in São Miguel dos Milagres
Because only a miracle, for a woman like this to marry me
God was so generous with me, that he insisted in giving me you this way
And that was why I wanted to marry near the ocean
To show the world, that the color of the ocean
Doesn’t compare to the color of your eyes.
The ocean’s breeze, will never be so soft as your touch
And the happiness of all that are here will never compare
With the happiness you bring me
You make me the happiest man in the world
I’m so happy that sometimes I think that you are Gugu in disguise
And at one point you will take your mask off and say that this was a telegrama legal
Today is the day that the gaúcha unites herself to the nordestino
And the churrasco marries the baião de dois
The tchê mixes itself with the oxente
I promise to love you, to respect you, to understand you and to protect you
To put down the toilet’s lid. Until we are very old
Me eating my cuscuz, and you drinking your chimarrão
Until the end of our lives
Thank you so much for teaching me what love is
I love you!